domingo, 16 de novembro de 2008


Denominador Comum
Monotipia colorida - 70,0 x 50,0 cm - 2008

Novos experimentos estão acontecendo por aqui, no ateliê. Em breve as imagens irão para o ar. Por hora, só uma pequena amostra do que esta a caminho.
A obra acima faz parte do álbum Das Sombras, que ainda não esta concluido, porém esta sendo uma experiência muito interessane.
Outras imagens serão postadas em breve.


Finalmente estou iniciando a atualização do blog! Sendo assim, alguns textos - meus e de outros autores - serão postados a pedidos.

Logo, eles aparecerão também em inglês. É só aguardar.

Abaixo vai o texto 1, uma minibiografia para iniciar.


Rosana Paulino vive e trabalha em São Paulo, Brasil. Desde o início de sua carreira Rosana vem se destacando por sua produção ligada a questões sociais, étnicas e de gênero. Seus trabalhos têm como foco principal a posição da mulher negra dentro da sociedade brasileira. A artista participou de diversas exposições, tanto no Brasil como no exterior.

Em 1998 a artista viaja para Londres com bolsa de estudos do governo brasileiro para especialização em gravura no London Print Studio. Atualmente, Rosana é doutoranda em Poéticas Visuais pela Escola de Comunicações e Artes da USP.


Algumas das novas experimentações que estão ocorrendo no ateliê. O álbum Das Sombras ainda esta em construção, mas gostaria de compartilhá-lo com vocês.

segunda-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2008


Soldados são parte do trabalho "Colônia", mostrado na Galeria Virgílio em março de 2006. O trabalho foi organizado como uma colônia de insetos, com uma rainha, operárias e as "soldados".

Soldiers are part of the work "Colony", showed at Galeria Virgilio in São Paulo, Brasil. The work was organised as a colony of insects, with a Queen, the workers and the female soldiers.

domingo, 20 de janeiro de 2008


Esta seção será dedicada a mostrar o trabalho de alguns amigos queridos, que além de amigos são artistas excepcionais.

This section will be dedicated to show the works from some dear friends, that besides to be good friends are very good artists as well.

segunda-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2008

Work In Progress

Working title is "Wet Nurse"
I put some images from one of my first work with the new press. It is printing on cloth, digital images, glass and a kind of silk braid. It is called wet nurse, and is about the black females that nursed the sons of their masters in Brazil, in the slavery period.


which I think was a commentry on the artists participating in an exhibition called "Roots and More" held there recently.

Regretfully - I could not find the name of the author as it is very well interpreted/written.

"The installation Wet Nurse (Min) by Rosana Paulino (Brazil, 1967) evokes the image of Black Min, a female slave ordered to breastfeed the child of her mistress. The silhouettes are the black nurse maids during slavery; the bottles contain photos the silhouettes are based on. The white ribbons conjure up associations with mother’s milk.
Paulino’s terracotta army of Soldiers strikes a parallel between human society and the world of insects. She presents an insect community consisting of a queen, workers and soldiers, all female. Paulino wants to draw attention to the different aspects of female nature, ranging from caring, peace-loving, obedient and subservient to rebellious and combatant.
But her powerful women have no eyes: “They largely fail to see what their place is in the world. They also lack arms, as they have not found the balance between femininity and standing up for their rights.

Brazilian society is still very sexist, making it hard for women to strike that balance between being a ‘worker’ and a ‘soldier’. And for a black woman, this is even harder”. The figures are draped with strips of fabric, chains and fish hooks, and rope connects them with sticks, stones, bundles of nails and an anchor. The Kongo influence clearly comes to the fore through the ‘charging’ of the statues with power symbols – such as nails and the red fabric symbolizing force.

These elements return in so-called minkisi power figures."


They are about some characteristics presents in the female psyche. The images are from my last solo exhibition in São Paulo, 2006.
It was organized like a community of insects. The word "Rainha" means, "Queen", like a bee queen. She has one hundred eyes but is blind for their role in the world. In reality, she is the great slave; like that women that doesn’t are conscious of their role in life, living only for others (sons, husband, work, etc). The "Soldados" are the "soldiers" that takes care of the community and represents the side terrific of the female personality and the "Operarias" or "Workers" are the side of female that take care of the community.


Rosanna - artists statement

please click to see more clearly.


Drawings/ Sketches

Wall of Memories

The Three Graces